Thursday 4 August 2016

Life on Queen street

May any good results from this go to those who need it most.

What is art for?
Art is for exploring what it means to be human.
These tenuously balanced rock and rubble assemblages are in honour of the earth and nature and are arranged into a cosmogram.

Cosmogram- a depiction of the whole of creation in miniature used magickally by shamanic practitioners to connect and heal.

What is being asked of the viewer by this cosmogram? This novelty may change ones state to that state of sacred wonder which the artist experienced at the moment of creating the artifacts comprising the installation. This is an objective communication. Your state may expand and fill with peacefulness and childlike wonder, and a wordless sense of connection with the now unfolds. You are being asked to put your self aside and open to the wonder of nature and the miraculous balance unfolding before your eyes.

This is a folk art healing ceremony giving visible form to the divine,
reflecting the sacred dimensions,
restoring wholeness, reconnecting separation.

How? By holding, with body heart and mind, an inquiry into something bigger than  personality, the being of the artist begets a gesture, begets an artifact, begets a response in the viewer, thus completing the act of revelation. In this type of objective art the artist chooses to take the obligation of serving as a guide into transcendent sensations. It always starts with attention on sensation.

These balance assemblages are timeless because they are still, so they call one to be present in an eternal moment. They are essential because they are minimalist-just the simple centerline of raw rocks and rubble in relation. They call one to be present in the space because they are so arranged by the artist in a state of communion with the space, with the perspective of the viewer in mind.

As you accept the invitation and join the field of attention in this ceremony I wish to provide an example through this demonstration of my healing gifts that individually or collectively we can experience our own Divinity and the Sacred, may we all remember. May you be remembered by the Higher Dimensions. This work is an expression of my deep love for the sacred connection that exists between humans and nature, may love and beauty prevail, May these ephemeral artifacts generate a field of amplifying evolutionary beauty on this planet now.

If you find you just want to stand and watch this ceremony unfold, your organic body and mind are being healed and re-balanced, enjoy, commune. This is a healing taking place if you are delightfully mindblown and realize it . Try and find your way back to these healing and sacred states tomorrow and as needed.

I am a poor shamanic practitioner and teacher, with children etc. this work chose me, its hard dangerous so please, if you like what im doing, help me now to do this work with a  5, 10, or 20 dollar donation. Anything helps please feel free to donate any amount, I am counting on you with gratitude.

Serious  inquiries or real  necessity ?