Wednesday 28 September 2016

Autumn is Twilight and Water on our magick circle..

Twilight Prayers
Great Mystery, powers of autumn, of water, I send a voice in prayer. I am asking for entrance through the gates of inner knowledge. I am seeking to cross the realms. Spirits of water, help me be fluid in consciousness, to move easily in this work.
I turn to the setting sun, in the place between day and night, asking guidance for intuition. I pray for the right doors to open, for the ability to look within and make good medicine from what I find there. I pray that I can grow within this work and be of service to others.
Powers of twilight, I walk in your mystery and open to your gifts

Say this prayer at twilight facing the setting sun from autumn equinox until winter solstice.

This time of year brings on a sad heart opening sensation for me. This is observable every year at this time since I was 7 or 8 yrs old. My center of feeling opens up in response to the seasonal changes and shifts. I get an urge to avoid social behaviors and get cozy and cuddle with my wife until spring returns. Life's obligations call and demand though and we must respond adequately lest we fall behind and lose our way.

Nuit Blanche 2016
We will be joining in this year with a large rock balancing circle ceremony on Queen St. West. Look for us near the Horseshoe tavern at Queen St. and Spadina Ave.

Remember we (desperately) need your help. Any size donation will make this art continue to happen. Please donate now using the paypal donation button in the side bar, Thank you from the bottom of our soul life.