Wednesday 28 March 2018


At midnight, facing north in remembrance of where we are on the circle of the year. Orienting ourselves, aligning with the now. Being Still, Gently extending the outbreath and inviting attention onto all sensations .
Winter midnight prayer
North, great white giant, please hear this prayer. I greet the coming of Winter, the coming of night. I give thanks for rest and peace and renewal.
Spirits of stone, of crystal, of bone, spirits of mountain, I pray for alignment with your ancient wisdom and endurance. Please share your teachings with me - tell me your memories.
North totems, keepers of lodge and ground, medicine of the manifested vision, bless me with purposefulness, prosperity , steadiness, and balance.
I send gratitude to the unbroken ancestors and elders for your guidance and example. Into the night you walk, leaving me, leading me, singing your songs. I pray in the womb of rebirth for purification and for power and for all passages to be blessed as we come again into the sweet dawn, the hoop unbroken, all my relations.

Stone balancing ceremony slideshow